Surrounding students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life

Why have CIS?

Students continue to drop out at increasing rates. This is especially prevalent in the Hispanic and African-American populations. These two populations account for over 75% of all students who drop out of school. Even more discouraging, many students that drop out are economically disadvantaged. All of this contributes to an ill-prepared and uneducated workforce.

CIS believes that keeping kids in school is more than a school problem. It is a community problem -- involving parents, neighbors, healthcare providers, business leaders, social workers, counselors, mentors, tutors, and volunteers as part of the solution.

CIS addresses the problem by providing direct services to students. CIS brings resources, volunteers, and service providers into schools and enables them to work as a coordinated team.

News & Announcements


Advocates In Action: Ensuring Every Child Has a Champion in Their Corner
December 4, 2024 - 4:04 PM
On December 4, CISETX invited one of its biggest principal advocates Dr. Carlton Todd of Stockton Junior High, Conroe ISD Conroe, Texas to present a…


A Success Story: Because of Alice's Kids
September 13, 2024 - 11:04 AM
Success Story: Because of Alice's Kids A student was referred to me for CIS services from her counselor.  She was new to the school, and moved here…

Spotlight of the Month

Yadira Mariscal

Site Coordinator

Our Impact

Results based on the percentage of case-managed students statewide that made progress toward/achieved their individualized goal(s).






increased social
emotional learning


